LP Parent Page » Welcome Lincoln Primary Parents!

Welcome Lincoln Primary Parents!


Your Baby was Born to Learn!

Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a comprehensive parental education and support program designed to assist families with children ages birth to three years of age in addition to expectant mothers/parents. The goal of the program is to provide parents with essential and critical supports, thereby empowering each parent to achieve a level of self-sufficiency, which ultimately strengthens and supports their ability to develop holistically healthy children physically and cognitively. Any family in the Proviso Township area is welcome to take advantage of our many services free of charge, which include health screenings, group enrichment activities, individualized educational plans and more! We also offer our services in Spanish.

Birth to Three Program Mission Statement
District 88’s birth to three program recognizes parents as the child’s first and primary teacher. We value this relationship and work in partnership with the family. We strive to enhance the child’s development as well as to deepen the family’s knowledge, skills, and abilities as they interact and raise their child.
Developmental screenings offer parents a quick and effective tool to monitor how their child is learning and developing in the areas of health, vision, hearing, communication, physical development, problem solving, and social/emotional development. When parents opt to receive home-based visits with a parent educator, their screenings will occur within the parent’s home.




Are you interested in enrolling in our program. Learn more in our enrollment flyer below.
Student Handbook: